Our responses to the Quality Standards NICE Lyme Disease Guidelines

Our responses to the Quality Standards NICE Lyme Disease Guidelines can be viewed below. 

As stakeholders, we take the stance of no confidence in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and its inherent bias and ownership of Lyme Disease treatment and advice. Their fundamental lack of understanding and ability to successfully deal with the Lyme Disease situation is of utmost concern. We feel patients and their physicians will be placed at dangerous and unnecessary long term risks by these poor efforts of Guidelines and Quality Standards. For these reasons we are unwilling to endorse the Lyme Quality Standards. 

These draft quality standards fail all patients with long standing Lyme disease and accompanying co-infections. 

It is well known that there are no suitably qualified UK tick-borne illness Infectious Disease consultants in place to advise or treat patients with Lyme Disease. It is disingenuous to pretend or claim that there is UK expertise.