Gone in a Heartbeat: A Physician’s Search for True Healing ‘Dr. Neil Spector, one of the nation’s top oncologists, led a charmed life. He was educated at prestigious universities, trained at top medical centers, and had married the woman of his dreams. It seemed too perfect. And it was. In 1994, it all came crashing down.’ https://www.amazon.com/Gone-Heartbeat-Physicians-Search-Healing/dp/1936946424 Dr Spector had a heart transplant as a result of the effects of Lyme Disease on his heart.  It is important to recognise the serious risks to the heart from Tick Borne Diseases   Medical   Just a selection of published papers on Lyme Carditis but other Tick borne diseases can also cause Cardiac problems.   Lyme Carditis   An earlier News Item about Dr Spector     Cancer Researcher Who Nearly Died of Lyme Discusses the Similarities Between the Two...